Detering unsuitable people to work with children is crucial. The outcomes of the Bichard Public enquiry into the traffic deaths of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, bought about the vetting and barring provisions, including enhanced criminal records checks for those who work with children.
From creating a job advert to your employees first day. This training and resource pack will give you a deeper knowledge of how to attract suitable people to your setting and deter the unsuitable, also meeting the EYFS Statutory Framework.
All of your documents will be sent by email, we've also added a bonus video, which will explain the process of what to do when recruiting and how to use each document.
The accompanying documents will enable you to manage the process, from start to end, including how to create a job advert that attracts the right people, shortlisting applications, interviewing, making a job offer, obtaining references to an employee's first day:
- Safer Recruitment Policy
- Training Video
- Recruiters Pack:
- Safeguarding and CR/DBS statement
- Job Description - template
- Personal Specification - template
- Shortlisting criteria - form
- Interview record and rating - form
- Job offer - template letter
- Reference request - form
- New Starter Checklist - form
Each document is in word format, and can be easily customised to suit your organisation. They can be downloaded, used electronically or printed out and you can add your setting's name and logo.
Why buy this?
Kate spent 10 years working in Early Years Settings as Head of HR and Training for a group of Nurseries. Throughout her career she has experiened numerous Ofsted inspections. Achieved a grading of Outstanding and praised in the Ofsted report for her recruitment procedures:
“Staff have an exceedingly secure understanding of child protection procedures, which effectively ensures children are safeguarded at all times. The company's recruitment, induction and vetting procedures are exceptionally robust."
Chessgrove Park Day Nursery Ofsted Report 2015
Kate now works as an independant HR consultant specalising in working with organisations and settings that work directly with children.
Safer Recruitment for Early Years
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If you have any problems accessing your resources, please contact
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